RC Rock Crawling in Little Moab, Utah

Jake and I went to Little Moab to watch an Ultra4 race. For those who don't know Ultra4 racing is an RC rock crawling competition. At first slow RC cars trying to climb rocks seems incredibly boring, but it is surprisingly interesting to watch.

The competition consists of two hundred cone "gates" setup across the rocks creating a track. If you hit a cone then you get points. If you have to touch your vehicle for anything other than changing batteries than you get points for "the hand of God." At the end of the race the driver with the least amount of points wins.

While this was going on there were also people in a second type of race. The same general rules apply except this time you are timed. Watching the competitors run behind their cars while negotiating obstacles is very entertaining.

All in all it was a great experience. I'm looking forward to picking up a crawler so I can join the next competition. Jake was nice enough to film everything and put together a video. I posted it here so you can check it out.

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